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Mesotherapy treatment of knee : Tendinopathy 

Tendonitis - Pistor Eliance

Mesotherapy is a very useful tool in sports medicine, it allows to bring a rapid, effective and prolonged medicinal response to many common pathologies if it is used in a suitable way.

Tendinopathy is a condition of the tendons, that is to say, degradation or even degeneration of the tendon, more commonly called tendonitis.

Inflammation of the tendon or its sheath results in pain which can be accompanied by swelling At the level of the affected tendon.

Tendinitis is more frequent in sportsmen and sportswomen, whether professional or amateur, and people whose profession requires repetitive gestures.

The most common tendinitis: 

Tendonitis - Pistor Eliance

  • From the shoulder
  • Achilles tendon
  • Of the knee
  • Of the elbow
  • Wrist
  • From the hip

Anatomical reminder

The knee is composed of four main ligaments:

  • the medial collateral ligament (MCL), which prevents the knee from inside
  • the lateral collateral ligament (LCL), which prevents the knee from outside
  • the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) that prevents the tibia from front
  • the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), which prevents the tibia from behind

The knee stability is dependent on the integrity of its knee sprains ligaments.Les correspond to a more or less serious infringement of each ligament. We are talking about mild sprain when the two collateral ligaments presented an elongation that is to say a stretch of its fibers without breaking. Mesotherapy is a very good indication for trauma.
The pain is not a sign of gravity. In fact there is no relationship between pain intensity and severity of the sprain. Diagnoses of gravity faster, it being understood that knee sprain should suggest a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament until proven otherwise.


It is to clarify the characteristics of the pain: - mode of appearance: usually progressive, sometimes brutal (micro-fracture). - Circumstances of appearance: pulses, deceleration, receptions - onset of symptoms, effectiveness of previous treatments. - Location (tip, body, TTA) - hourly rate and it allows to assess the functional impact of tendinopathy by CLASSIFICATION DE BLAZINA :

  • Stage 1 : pain at the end of effort
  • Stage 2 : Pain warming, disappearing effort and reappearance when physical fatigue
  • Stage 3 :
    • a) permanent pain during exercise with decreased quantity and quality of sport
    • b) permanent pain prohibiting sport
  • Stage 4: tendon rupture

Therapy with Mesotherapy patellar tendinopathy :

indicated if stage 1 and 2 (Blazina classification)

Mixed: FDI and IDP

Protocol: J0 J7 J15 J30 ....

Tendonitis of the tip of the patella:

- Lidocaine + calcitonin 100 + piroxicam in acute,
- Lidocaine + calcitonin 100 if older,
- IDS + IDP at D0, D8, D14 and + Procaïne 2cc + calcitonin100 at D45, D60

Tendonitis of the tendon body:

- Lidocaine + piroxicam + etamsylate in young subjects in acute
- Procaïne + calcitonin in subject> 40 years
The neighboring muscles:
- Myorelaxant + vasodilator IDP, IDS

To point to the 3rd session of Mesotherapy :

  • Stop if target achieved
  • Stop if no result (review diagnosis and indication)
  • Continue with sessions spaced if the condition was improved without reaching the goal


A rest on suitable pain. Landfilling on a pair of crutches, the strapping, a knee brace may possibly be recommended.

This document is for information purposes and can in no case be time to proceed with treatment.