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Fribolmagie & mésotherapie  PistorFibromyalgia is a non-inflammatory, painful chronic infection of the locomotor system, that is, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is therefore a diffuse rheumatism in the tissues surrounding a joint.

The characteristics of fibromyalgia are intense pain, and multiple pain points aggravated by physical and emotional factors, accompanied by sleep disorder, and physical fatigue. The disease particularly affects women aged 20 to 45 years.
The diagnosis is confirmed if palpation of at least 11 points out of 18 result in the perception of pain.

Fibromyalgia is currently considered a syndrome resulting from a dysfunction of the pain system, resulting in a state of hypersensitivity to pain. The disordered central nervous system would explain some of the mechanisms involved. This dysfunction may only be temporary or persistent for several years.

Conventional analgesics are often proposed but so far they have not proved effective over the long term. Many programs with non-drug therapy have provided relief and functional improvement: physical reconditioning, learning relaxation techniques, stress management, and cognitive and behavioral approaches to their disease.

The treatment of fibromyalgia requires a multidisciplinary care, or mesotherapy can only postulate a role adjuvent but clearly beneficial. Mesotherapy is effective and easy to implement, it represents a treatment of choice of this condition, within a global and multidisciplinary care.

TREATMENT BY MESOTHERAPY :Mésothérapie & fibromyalgie  - Pistor

Equipment used :

  • Syringes three bodies of 5 or 10cc
  • Needles 27 or 30 g (4mm / 0.4 or 4mm / 0.3) for the topping
  • 30g (13mm / 0.3) for points per point
  • Biseptine
  • Pistor Eliance

Protocol :

  1. In the areas of painful insertions: Injections in IDP, varying the depth of injection, the treatment will be oriented towards the neurological unit of competence and the decontracting action.
    In the muscular zones: SDI injections, symmetrically on all the sensitive zones. With IPD ponctures of the nerve plexus.
    Frequency of sessions: D0, D15 and D30 with assessment on D60. Then the rhythm will be adapted according to the results.

Pharmacologie :

  • Lidocaine
  • Magnesium
  • Thiocolchicoside
  • Diazepam
  • Calcitonins
  • Amitriptyline