The Pistor will present at the conference "skin diseases components Conference - Prevention and treatment."
This conference, organized by the Scientific Society of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Preventive Medicine, in collaboration with the University Clinic B and Venereal Diseases of the skin "Attikon" University Hospital.
The conference will be held September 5-7 in Athens, Divani Caravel Hotel. we will be happy to welcome you and to meet the new developments in the field of dermatology.
At this conference, Dr. Antonio Goumas will be available to meet all your expectations lamésothérapie: practice techniques ... and more.

Pour toute information complémentaire, merci de contacter :
Goumas Wellness Spa
Olofytou 15 ANO Patisia
ATHÈNES 11142 Grèce
Tel: 210 2910061
Fax: 210 2929267