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Soft Laser medical 

The low-power laser therapy is a device that can deliver, to an area to be treated, a light energy, coherent and monochromatic. This technique is called "Soft Laser therapy" or LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy). The desired biological effects are mainly photochemical and bio-stimulants. Affecting biostimulatif, it is used in the following fie...
The low-power laser therapy is a device that can deliver, to an area to be treated, a light energy, coherent and monochromatic. This technique is called "Soft Laser therapy" or LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy). The desired biological effects are mainly photochemical and bio-stimulants. Affecting biostimulatif, it is used in the following fields: ■ analgesia: to treat painful swelling occurring after surgery as well as difficulty eating ■ désinflammation: to treat inflamed gums, inflammation of the alveolus and receding gums ■ accelerated healing Through the use of soft laser, accelerates metabolism, protein composition increases, respiration and cell division are facilitated. Its use also helps to stimulate the return of blood vessels, the formation of antibodies. Second, it supports the immune system and makes ctroître the number of collagen fibers. Its effects are multiplied in a cure.